Keynote Speaker I
Prof. Constantinos Antoniou
Technical University of Munich, Germany
Biography: The research area of Constantinos Antoniou (b. 1973) is transportation systems engineering. His research focuses primarily on the modelling and simulation of transportation systems, intelligent transport systems (ITS), the calibration and optimization of applications, and the application of behavioral economics in transport, road safety and sustainable transport systems.
Professor Antoniou holds a degree in civil engineering from the National Technical University of Athens in Greece (1995) as well as a master’s degree in transportation (1997) and a PhD in transportation systems (2004) from MIT (USA). He has authored more than 500 scientific publications, including more than 180 papers in international, peer-reviewed journals, 270 published in international conference proceedings, three books and 30 book chapters. He is a member of several scientific organizations and committees, including the Transport Research Board and the Road and Transportation Research Association (FGSV). Professor Antoniou is Associate Editor of the journal Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice and Deputy Editor in Chief of IET ITS, and sits on the editorial boards of various international journals such as Transportation Research - Part C: Emerging Technologies, Accident Analysis and Prevention and Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems.
Speech Title: Preparing for battery electric bus public transport: modeling tools and implementation decision making support
Keynote Speaker Ⅱ
Prof. Weidong Liu
Jilin University, China
Biography: 刘卫东,吉林大学教授、博士生导师,吉林省长白山领军人才,长期从事高分子材料性能与纳米复合材料理论和设计的研究,专注于轮辐式非充气轮胎与新型结构履带及其智能化和产业化。在国内外主持和参与过近20项工业课题的产业化研发,包括多个世界500强企业项目。曾为美国化学会及橡胶分会、美国物理会、国际先进材料与工程技术学会、热固树脂配方设计师学会会员,曾获国际先进材料与工程技术学会(SAMPE)杰出论文奖、数字仿真科技杰出贡献奖、国际康复医学工程大会特等奖。
Speech Title: 轮辐式非充气轮胎材料及结构对滚动阻力的影响
Abstract: 滚动阻力是影响燃油和电动车辆续航力的主要因素之一。针对新型结构轮辐式非充气轮胎(NPT),开展了低滚动阻力材料的研发和模拟轮辐结构周向不连续NPT的稳态温度场和滚动阻力的方法探寻。通过选择具有低玻璃化转变温度和高分子量的橡胶,采用串联啮合转子混炼工艺制备高分散二氧化硅,以及添加低生热抗湿滑树脂和新型硅烷偶联剂,减少了轮胎中材料的粘弹迟滞产生的能量损失,使得电动车胎面配方耐磨性能提升约20%,电动车胎面滚阻/湿滑等级分别为A/B,即具有更优的能源经济性、更安全的湿地刹车性能。基于材料的超弹特性和粘弹特性与粘弹迟滞能量损失产生的温度变化的非线性相关性,建立了基于显式算法及热力耦合的模拟滚动阻力相关特性的体系,在此基础上根据刷子轮胎模型和轮胎等效系统模型将迟滞阻尼力分离出来进行单独的解析,建立了考虑温度影响的稳态滚动阻力的半经验模型。结合对实心橡胶轮和自主设计并制作的低速低载非充气轮胎(LSL-Tire)在不同的负荷和速度下所进行的垂向刚度、滚动阻力和温度试验,验证了模拟体系和半经验模型的最大求解误差分别为6.30%和2.58%,其温度场和滚动阻力与负荷和速度呈正相关,其动态垂向刚度与负载和速度呈负相关,但是速度对滚动阻力和刚度的影响极小。LSL-Tire的各部件中,胎面的滚动阻力之占比大于92%。
Keynote Speaker Ⅲ
Prof. Hongming Xu
Tsinghua University, China
University of Birmingham, UK
Biography: Hongming Xu is Professor of Energy and Automotive Engineering and Head of the Vehicle Technology Research Centre. He is Director of Birmingham CASE Automotive Research and Education Centre.
He has 6 years of industrial experience with Jaguar Land Rover and Premier Automotive Group of Ford. He researches synergies between fuel, propulsion and after-treatment technologies for cleaner road vehicles.
He has 450+ publications (including 200+ refereed journal papers and 200+ conference publications) in engine flow, combustion, emissions, transient operation control and hybrid electric powertrain development involving both experimental and modelling studies. His current main research area is new fuels and electrified powertrains with artificial intelligence based control and optimisation.
More speakers will be announced soon.